Standard Business Terms and Customer Information

**Business Hours**

Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Closed on Sundays and holidays.


**I. Standard Business Terms:**

**§ 1 Basic Provisions:**

(1) The following business terms apply to all contracts you conclude with us as the supplier (EF Classic Oldtimer Cars GmbH) via the website Unless otherwise agreed, inclusion of your own conditions will be rejected.

(2) In these regulations, a "consumer" is any natural person who performs a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his trade, business, or profession. The term "businessman" refers to any natural or legal person or partnership with legal capacity that, when entering into a legal transaction, acts in exercise of its trade, business, or profession.

**§ 2 Conclusion of the Contract:**

(1) The subject matter of the contract is the sale of products.

(2) Our offers on the website are not binding and do not constitute a binding offer to conclude a contract.

(3) You can submit a binding purchase offer (order) using the online shopping cart system. The products intended for purchase are stored in the "shopping cart." You can use the "shopping cart" to call up and make changes at any time. After calling up the "Checkout" page and entering the required personal data and payment and shipping conditions, all order data will be displayed on the order overview page. Before submitting the order, you can check all the data again, change it (this can also be done using the browser's "back" function), or cancel the purchase transaction. When you use the "Place Order with Payment Obligation" button to place your order, you are making a binding offer to us.

You will then receive an automatically generated email confirming that your order has been received. This email does not yet constitute acceptance of your offer.

(4) Acceptance of the offer (and thus the conclusion of the contract) takes place within 2 days by means of a text confirmation (e.g., email). Confirmation of order receipt does not constitute acceptance.

If you have not received a relevant message within this period, you are no longer bound to your order. In such cases, any services already provided will be reimbursed without undue delay.

(5) Your questions regarding the creation of an offer do not bind you. We will provide you with a binding offer in text form (e.g., by email) within 5 days, which you can accept within the same period.

(6) The execution of the order and the sending of all details required in connection with the conclusion of the contract is partly automated via email. Consequently, you must ensure that the email address you have provided is correct, that the receipt of emails is guaranteed, in particular that it is not prevented by SPAM filters.

**§ 3 Individually Designed Products:**

(1) After the conclusion of the contract, you shall promptly provide us with the necessary information, text, or data required to customize the products, either through the online order system or via email. Please consider possible specifications we may provide regarding file formats.

(2) You are obligated to ensure that the content does not violate the rights of third parties (especially copyright, name rights, and trademark rights) or infringe upon existing rights under the law. You expressly exempt us from any claims that third parties may assert in connection with this matter. This also applies to any legal representation costs that may be necessary in this context.

(3) We do not verify the textual accuracy of the transferred data. Therefore, we accept no responsibility for errors in this regard.

**§ 4 Retention of Title, Reservation of Ownership Rights:**

(1) You can only exercise the right of retention if it concerns claims arising from the same contractual relationship.

(2) Until the full purchase price has been paid, the goods remain our property.

(3) If you are a businessman, the following conditions also apply:

a) The ownership of the goods remains with us until all claims arising from the ongoing business relationship are fully settled. Goods subject to retention of title may not be pledged or transferred as collateral without a change in ownership of the goods.

b) You are authorized to resell the goods within the framework of regular business operations. In this regard, you hereby assign to us all claims in the amount of the invoice total accruing to you as a result of the resale; we accept the assignment. You are also authorized to collect the claim. However, we reserve the right to collect the claim ourselves if you do not fulfill your payment obligations in a regular manner.

c) In the event of the goods subject to retention of title being combined and mixed in a situation where a new item is created, we acquire joint ownership of the newly formed item. This joint ownership corresponds to the ratio between the invoice value of the goods subject to retention of title and the other items processed during the transaction.

d) In the event of a claim of this nature, you are obliged to release us from any collateral to be paid to us to the extent that it exceeds the achievable value of our securities. The release must cover at least 10% of the claim. We are responsible for selecting the securities to be released.

**§ 5 Warranty:**

(1) Legal warranty rights apply.

(2) Despite the content of the relevant legal regulations, the warranty period for used items covers a period of one year from the delivery of the goods. There is no reduction in the time limit:

a) For damages attributable to us that result from defects in a manner that can be attributed to us, causing harm to life, limbs, or health, and for other damages resulting from intentional intent or gross negligence.

b) Unless we intentionally concealed the defect or accepted a guarantee regarding the quality of the goods.

(3) As a consumer, you must check the completeness, visible defects, and transportation damages of the delivered product immediately upon receipt and report any complaints to us and the shipping company in writing. Failure to comply with this request will not affect your legal warranty claims.

(4) If you are a business, the following differences apply to the warranty regulations stated above:

a) It is understood that the details provided by us and the product description provided by the manufacturer are the sole representations of the characteristics and condition of the product. Other advertisements, promotional writings, and descriptions published by the manufacturer are not considered to represent the characteristics and condition of the product.

b) If it is determined that the goods are defective, we reserve the right to repair or replace the goods. In case of failure to remedy the defect, you may, at your discretion, demand a price reduction or withdraw from the contract. The remedy for defects can be applied after the second unsuccessful attempt, unless the nature of the object and/or the defect or other conditions prove otherwise. In the case of repair, we shall not be responsible for additional costs incurred due to the transfer of the product to a location other than where the order was fulfilled unless the transferred product is not suitable for its intended use.

c) The warranty period covers a period of one year from the delivery of the product. There is no reduction in the time limit:

For damages attributable to us that result from defects in a manner that can be attributed to us, causing harm to life, limbs, or health, and for other damages resulting from intentional intent or gross negligence.

For products used in a building in accordance with normal usage instructions and defects resulting from this use.

For legal recourse claims against us related to warranty rights.

**§ 6 Choice of Law, Place of Performance, Jurisdiction:**

(1) German law shall apply. This choice of law only applies to consumers if it does not result in the revocation of the protection guaranteed by the mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which the consumer has his habitual residence (favorability principle).

(2) If you are not a consumer but a businessman, a legal entity under public law, or a special fund under public law, our place of business is the place of jurisdiction and performance for all services arising from the existing business relationship. The same applies if you are not domiciled in Germany or the European Union, or if your place of residence or habitual residence is not known at the time the action is filed. In these cases, the right to appeal to another statutory place of jurisdiction remains unaffected.

**II. Customer Information**

**1. Seller's Identity**

EF Classic Oldtimer Cars GmbH

Arnold Dehen Straße

47138 Duisburg


Phone: +49 174 7751996


Alternative Dispute Resolution:

The European Commission provides a platform for the online resolution of disputes (ODR platform), which can be viewed at

**2. Information Regarding the Conclusion of the Contract**

Technical steps for the conclusion of the contract, conclusion of the contract, and correction options are carried out in accordance with the provisions of "Conclusion of the Contract" in our standard business terms (Section I.).

**3. Language of the Contract, Recording of the Contract Text**

3.1 The contract language will be English.

3.2 The complete text of the contract is not stored by us. Before submitting the order, the contract data can be printed using the print function of the browser or electronically saved via the online shopping cart system. After the order reaches us, the order data, legally required details concerning distance contracts, and standard business terms are re-sent to you via email.

3.3 For price quote requests outside the online shopping cart system, all contract information that can be securely printed or electronically saved will be sent to you in writing within the framework of a binding offer, for example, via email.

**4. Code of Conduct**

4.1 We voluntarily adhere to quality criteria; these criteria can be viewed at the following address: E-commerce Trustmark Code of Conduct

**5. Main Features of the Product or Service**

The main features of the goods and/or services can be found in the respective offer.

**6. Prices and Payment Arrangements**

6.1 The prices stated in the relevant offers represent total prices, including all price components such as shipping costs and all incidental taxes.

6.2 Incurred shipping costs are not included in the purchase price. They can be clicked on the appropriate button on our website or viewed in the respective offer, shown separately during the order process, and must be borne by you unless free delivery is confirmed.

6.3 The payment methods you can use will be shown when you click on the appropriate button on our website or will be explained in the respective offer.

6.4 Unless otherwise specified in the relevant payment methods, payment claims arising from the concluded contract are due for payment immediately.

**7. Delivery Conditions**

7.1 Delivery conditions, delivery date, and any existing supply restrictions can be found by clicking on the appropriate button on our website or in the respective offer.

7.2 If you are a consumer, the following is legally regulated: The risk of accidental loss or deterioration of the goods sold is transferred to you upon delivery, regardless of whether the shipment is insured or not. This condition does not apply if you have independently commissioned a transport company not specified by us or a person appointed to carry out the transport.

If you are a business, the delivery and shipping processes are carried out at your own risk.