Please note the following terms of use and our Data Protection Declaration. By using information, services, and programs published on our website, the user declares to agree to the conditions of use as laid down here.


EFCOC is liable for damages only if EFCOC or one of its contractors has breached a significant contractual obligation or only if the damage is the result of gross negligence or malicious intent on the part of EFCOC or one of its contractors. EFCOC's liability for losses of life, physical integrity, or health, as well as guarantees, remains unaffected.

**Data Protection**

Protecting your data is an important matter for EFCOC. Our offer is configured according to the legal provisions for data protection. You can check out the individual clauses of our Data Protection Declaration.


This internet offer contains designated links to other sites. EFCOC has no influence over these sites and is not responsible and accepts no guarantee for the contents and layout of these sites. Accepting a link shall not mean that EFCOC identifies with the contents displayed on the linked page and that the said contents shall not be construed as representative of EFCOC. All links that open a new window are links to unrelated service providers.

**Offers of information**

EFCOC's internet pages are subject to regular amendments and additions to update the information on offer. EFCOC shall, therefore, accept no liability or guarantee as to whether the information displayed is the most up-to-date, nor shall EFCOC accept any liability or guarantee with regard to the accuracy, completeness, and availability of the said information. The information and data displayed here are exclusively for the user's information and personal use.

EFCOC shall accept no guarantee for direct or indirect damages, including loss of revenue, as a result of using the information offered on these pages. EFCOC shall, however, accept liability only in cases of malicious intent or gross negligence and in cases where legal regulations prevail.


The content of this website is protected by copyright. Storing content for private purposes is freely permitted. Agreement from EFCOC must be sought if you wish to make commercial use of the content through further publication or free distribution.